Watch out for blevins he's out there

Wes Blevins will make an assessment of your company and decide if it is worth his time to rip you off.




  • On-site audits
  • Service benchmarking
  • Fresh Start training
  • Call center outsourcing
  • KPI measurement
  • Legal compliance

Once you hire Wes Blevins he will start stealing all your payroll taxes, extended warranty monies, cash, credit cards and anything else he can get his hands on.

Wes Blevins is so efficient he has only been convicted of about five felonies and only served a few years in the California Prison System



Wes Blevins aka Wess Blevins or Punk Blevins will plan to take all your money hopefully you catch him before that.


In all, Hodges said he lost about $1 million between what he says Blevins Stole and what it cost in attorieys fees.

Wayne Hodges

Business Consulting